
On What Oprah Needs for her Farewell Season

Editor's Note: As many of you may know, the deity known throughout the word as Oprah Winfrey (but whom most of us regard as the second coming of the Messiah, and rightfully so) is wrapping the final season of her award-winning talk show, "The Oprah Winfrey Show." In a desperate attempt (and after much cajoling) to get her number one fan -- and my best friend -- on to her program one last time before its gone for good, I crafted the letter below to move the hearts and minds of the powers that be at Harpo.

Oprah, show a brother some love!

Memorandum: Oprah Winfrey, Harpo Studios

CC: Sheri Salata, Executive Producer – The Oprah Winfrey Show
Jenna Kostelnik, Senior Producer – The Oprah Winfrey Show
Brian, Co-Producer – The Oprah Winfrey Show
Candi, Senior Producer – The Oprah Windrey Show
Sally Lou, Senior Audience Supervisor – The Oprah Winfrey Show
Gayle King, Oprah’s Best Friend
Andre Walker, Fierce Diva – The Oprah Winfrey Show

Dear Ms. Winfrey:

Did you know that your name doesn’t need a spell check? I guess this speaks to how iconic your presence is in our modern zeitgeist.

Anyway, down to business: I’m not sure if this letter will ever find you (although I AM sure that you may receive a lot of letters that begin this way), but I was arisen out of my slumber to write you this note. No, Oprah – quite literally.

It was my best friend, Jarrett. See, we met when we were college roommates back in the Atlanta University Center (I went to Morehouse, a school I know you adore – he went to Clark Atlanta, and that’s all we’ll say about that). Within hours of our meeting, I knew we were kindred spirits – I also knew that you had approximately 312 seats in your studio audience (although, he is quick to remind me that depends on the configuration of the set at any given show taping – quick shout outs to Tara Denise, his second idol).

I bring up this anecdote to demonstrate that I believe that my friend – no, my brother – Jarrett is indeed your biggest fan. Now, I know a lot of people “claim” to be your biggest fan, but they haven’t met Jarrett: Jarrett , who arranged his junior year course load to ensure he was at a television by 4pm EST (really, 3:45pm) to catch that day’s episode of your show; Jarrett, who treats the season premiere of your talk show like a feature television event; Jarrett, who has downloaded – and plays often – the various theme songs of your show’s 25-year run (Patti’s soul-stirring rendition is his favorite. When he sings it, I cry – but not because it’s so good).

But, in my opinion, this is not what qualifies Jarrett as your ultimate fan. It was Jarrett who first taught me to “never let him take you to the second location.” It was Jarrett who introduced me to your 20th anniversary DVD set, and the first few segments of your season 19 “Wildest Dreams” premiere, to cheer me up after life’s disappointments. It was Jarrett who looked to your show as a young man to gain a better understanding of his sexual identity because, as he’s told me often, it was the first time he saw gay people on television. It’s Jarrett who plans to one day have his own talk show – not because he relishes fame and glory, but because he wants to help people like you do.

I could go on and on about how your life and your show have influenced Jarrett, but let’s be honest – you’re a busy lady, and you don’t have that kind of time (and I need to get back to sleep).

I’ll just say this: over the years, Jarrett has shared the lessons, best practices, and “aha” moments he has garnered from being a life-long fan of your show with me, and I believe that I – like him – am a better person for it. Anyone who knows Jarrett is clear that you have touched his life more so than almost any other person on the planet (save maybe God, but in this context that doesn’t count). Because you inspire him, you inspire me, and I want to thank you.

I love my best friend like you love Gayle (although, in our duo, he’s definitely my Oprah), and it is my dream that he will be able to visit your show before your grand finale this May.

I know you’ve been known to make the impossible happen (and I hear you have some pull around that place), so I hope you can give my friend the moment of a lifetime.
Thanks for your attention, and thanks in advance for making my bestie’s dreams come true.


Michael J. Brewer