
Day 24

Quick Hit

Someone tried to break into my house today. AGAIN. FOR THE 3RD TIME THIS YEAR.

It's funny how the universe will subtlety move you towards the space you need to occupy in order to stay aligned with your life's purpose -- I now know that my new metaphysical space is not compatible with my current physical space, and I'll be reconciling that juxtaposition within my physical realm immediately, if not sooner.

Likewise, with regard to my recent work drama, I'm now certain that the sacrifice of living I was almost willing to make is not worth (in this case) potential professional gain. I refuse to sacrifice even a smidgen of my peace of mind to work for those who have already achieved theirs. I need to be compensated adequately for what I do -- what I'm worth. And I'll raise hell and high water to get it.

I thought it was difficult before, but now I know that life is about to get even a little bumpier. But I don't mind, because I know where I've been, and I know where I'm going.

I'm strapped in.

1 comment:

  1. this is my first time at your blog. i liked today's entry. read your bio and thought about the experience i had yesterday. So i will share...I went to camp colby, about 1 hr in the mountains from LA, to a camp that's called "strengthening the journey." The camp services adults with AIDS. Just a retreat for that community of people to relate to each other and breathe a breath of fresh air. I went with my mom who is pastor and is trying to bridge the gap between those with aids who feel like the church has turned their backs and pastors. Cool experience.

